Check out these secret money saving ideas for you to use at your local supermarket! In the state of Florida, it’s really hard to find double couponing offers; however, we are very fortunate to have great discount offers from discounts each week.
If you do these few things each week, you’ll be able to take full advantage of sales and discount prices around you. You won’t care as much about double couponing because saving 50% is a great savings by itself.
* Note: If you are an expert couponer, ignore the 50% savings threshold and continue on with the threshold savings you are accustomed to. This is a semi-blue print for the average person looking to save a few dollars each week. 🙂
First off, view the weekly ad circulars that both Publix and Winn Dixie offer each week. You can obtain them in their respective supermarket or if for some odd reason they don’t have them in their supermarket, you can use the links listed above. Just enter your zip code to view what is on sale at your local participating Publix and Winn Dixie supermarkets.
Publix new discount sales cycle generally starts on Thursdays and ends on Wednesdays. Winn-Dixie new discount sales cycle generally stars on Wednesdays and ends on Tuesdays. You can also use coupons or discounts from Whole Foods.
Next, match up their sales offers with coupons you have at home. This also includes BOGO FREE deals. Take inventory of the coupons you get in the mail, newspaper, online and other ways you cleverly obtain your coupons. Measure up what manufacturer and store coupons you have on hand and see if any of your coupons can be added to these sale priced offers. This is how you will dramatically cut down on price.
For anyone who says this takes too much time then congratulations for being so busy…but rich people; especially rich people (trust me) who don’t just spend because it’s someone else’s money, look for ways to save additional money. That’s why they are rich! 😉 Especially people that are “first generation rich” where they earned their money on their own along with affluent people teaching their children how to invest AND how to save money.
Wouldn’t you think saving money on a weekly basis when they go food shopping counts for something? So for anyone who says they don’t have the time, I think that’s a cop out. How long does it take to skim through a weekly food circular? Yeah, about 2 minutes. How long does it take to clip through coupons from a weekend newspaper? About 10 minutes. If you can set a foundation of saving a few dollars each week by taking 12 minutes out of your schedule, then you are on your way to saving money. 🙂
In addition, when your local supermarket has a BOGO FREE offer for a non-perishable items, you may want to consider purchasing a few of these items. If you can purchase lets say something like paper towels or canned food items and you can purchase up to 3 deals, then purchase three of these deals; meaning six of these items in total.
The savings will pay off for you in the long run and you won’t have to go back to the store the next week or month and repurchase these same items at regular price.
Viewing their weekly ad will save you time with figuring out what is on sale. You can also match up your manufacturer coupons from home to save additional money. It will help keep your budget tight and efficient.
BONUS COUPONING TIP: Make a list of manufacturers you purchase from on a regular or semi-regular basis. Read more about this in my special report below. It will help you save money and eat healthy too….including how to possibly score rare coupons on produce.
It really comes down to sizing up your local supermarkets discounts and utilizing your coupons and purchasing as many as possible within reason so you don’t have to pay full price.
Eat Healthy & Save Money on Produce with the Help of Facebook