Years ago when I switched over from corded ear pieces to use my iPhone, it was like stepping into a new century! I used to get annoyed when the wires would get wrapped around cabinet handles at the home front.
Since I have been using Apple AirPods for a while now, I have a few quick tips for you to get the most out of your Apple Air Pods. You’ll appreciate these tips to getting better efficiency and usage from your Apple Air\Pods.
1. Don’t stray too far away from the base of your AirPods…
Go maybe about 20-30 feet at tops. Sometimes you can go further. If you walk too far away from the base of your air pods, you might be losing reception and the ability to hear the other person. You might in fact drop the call if you walk too far. Did that when I went into a store and left the base of my AirPods in the car. Just put them in your pocket with you. You’ll appreciate this tip.
2. Only use one AirPod at a time…
Say what? I’m telling you, use only one AirPod at a time. Lots of people make this mistake. What happens when both air pods die out because you were on the phone for quite some time? I’ll tell you – you’ll have to recharge both air pods and not have access to them until you have them both charged up again. Then you’ll do the same mistake again. If you use only one AirPod and leave the other one in the AirPod base, when the one you are using dies out you can simply replace one AirPod for the other. You’ll still hear the other person just the same by using one AirPod. Whenever I see someone wearing two air pods, I always cringe. Now you’ll cringe when you see someone using two AirPods at the same time. 😉